Implementation Ambassador Profile: Austria-Marion Alt


Wednesday, June 28, 2017 - 10:30

Implementation Ambassador Profile: Austria-Marion Alt 


My name is Marion Alt and I work as a head of the pharmacy department in a hospital in the Eastern part of Austria, in Oberwart.

  • When was the first time you learned about the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy?

After the EAHP baseline survey which was published in 2015 a member of the board of our association presented the Statements in one of our bi-yearly meetings. After that, there was also an article in our journal “ÖAZ” (“The Austrian pharmacy journal”).

  • How did you become involved with the Statement Implementation project?

I wanted to be more active for our association and for the hospital pharmacy. So I was very pleased as a member of the board asked me if I wanted to work on it.

  • Why do you think the project will be beneficial for Austria?

HP should play an important role in the healthcare system. With these statements, we can display our capabilities and aptitude.       

  • What are the biggest needs and barriers for Statement Implementation in Austria?

The hospital pharmacists in Austria form a very small group in the entire healthcare system. It is therefore difficult for us to be perceived. Supported by the EAHP, we are able to reach more stakeholders.

  • What do you think should be the next steps in Austria regarding the implementation project?

After the election of our pharmacy chamber, it is imperative that we confer with the Austrian chamber, and that we get in contact with other stakeholders e.g. patient interest groups and patient representatives.

  • Do you think the self-assessment tool will be helpful to Austrian hospital pharmacists and will help to move towards implementation?

   Yes, with this tool we will be able to ascertain where we stand, and it will enable   us to discuss, with our management and stakeholders, where we ultimately want to go